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Friday, July 11, 2008

Pheromone Perfume - How To Put Your Man Under Hypnotic Charm (perfume cologne samples)

(perfume cologne samples)

Is there a difference between pheromone perfume and cologne? What should you consider when shopping for human pheromone products? (perfume cologne samples)

(perfume cologne samples) There really isn't any difference at all. Cologne is generally targeted towards men while perfume is basically a woman's product. It's simply marketing as women would identify much more with pheromone perfume.(perfume cologne samples)

Spray and concentrate products then complete the manor in which pheromones are made available to the public. (perfume cologne samples)

(perfume cologne samples) For women though, it seems manufacturers are starting to realize they may have been leaving money on the table when they first began their quest to turn the human population into attraction magnets.(perfume cologne samples)

(perfume cologne samples) Women are being catered to more and more in a market where men were once the main focus. That's understandable given guys are considered the chasers or pursuers in their quest to find female companionship. (perfume cologne samples) But does that mean women don't like to pursue? That's assuming women just need to put themselves out there and a man will come calling.(perfume cologne samples)

(perfume cologne samples) That's not really true. The argument regarding pheromone perfume for women is do they really need to enhance their profile and attractiveness to lure a man? (perfume cologne samples) In other words, do they really need any extra help? The short answer is yes and pheromone manufacturers have only begun to realize this.(perfume cologne samples)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Perfume For That Special Someone As A Gift Part 2 (perfume cologne samples)

(perfume cologne samples)

A person who tends to dress-up more will typically wear bolder fragrances. Someone who wears more casual clothing might wear a softer, more subtle fragrance. (perfume cologne samples) This will also change if dressing to the nines for an evening on the town. Different occasions call for different scents.(perfume cologne samples)

If you still cannot decide on a particular scent for someone, then you can go the sneaky route and ask someone in their household what they typically wear and then find something either similar or buy the exact brand of perfume and cologne they usually purchase. (perfume cologne samples) It may not be the most original idea but it could save you money if you were to pick a totally off fragrance that they would not want to wear. (perfume cologne samples)

Oh, and one further note. Some people are allergic to more concentrated scents, such as those found in eau de parfum and essential oils (perfume cologne samples), so keep this in mind if you know the person has sensitive skin. You may want to go with a body lotion of their favorite scent instead of the perfume version.(perfume cologne samples)

So what if you had to play detective in order to go about buying perfume for that special woman in your life. (perfume cologne samples) She will get a lot of pleasure out of the fact that you cared enough to get a gift. (perfume cologne samples) It may not even matter if you messed up and picked the wrong scent. If you feel that you got it wrong, then you can always take it back and exchange it for something more appropriate.(perfume cologne samples)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Perfume For That Special Someone As A Gift (perfume cologne samples)

(perfume cologne samples)

There are plenty of reasons to buy perfumes and colognes. You do not need a reason to treat yourself to one of your favorite designer fragrances. But there are times when you want to give the gift of perfume to someone else. So what do you do? (perfume cologne samples)

Buying perfume for someone else can be a minefield of problems if you do not pay attention to some subtle things about the person (perfume cologne samples) . It is a unique blend of personality and mentality that comes together to make up a person's essence. The goal is to capture their essence in the perfume bottle.(perfume cologne samples)

Buying perfume for someone else begins with observation of what they typically wear. This includes clothing, make-up and their regular perfume and cologne. She may be a body lotion type of person, so you have to keep that in mind, as well as what types of clothing and fragrances are worn during the day, versus at night. (perfume cologne samples)

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