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Friday, July 18, 2008

Pheromone Perfume - How To Put Your Man Under Hypnotic Charm Part 2 (perfume cologne samples)

(perfume cologne samples)

Androstenol Is Queen (perfume cologne samples)

The pheromone used in perfume products for women is androstenol. (perfume cologne samples) It's the female equivalent of the version androstenone. It's said when men sense androstenol in the air, it's every guy for himself. (perfume cologne samples) It's what can turn a mild mannered guy into either a welcome serenader or a pain in the...!(perfume cologne samples)

The idea of attracting men is something most women will not divulge, even to their friends. (perfume cologne samples)The idea that they are using an enhancement to attract their man could bring some ridicule. However, times are certainly changing and there may come a time where the topic of conversation may not just be that guy that just moved into the neighborhood but "which pheromone product should I use to Attract him?"(perfume cologne samples)

The Power Of Androstenol

Androstenol is said to have the power to turn a man into a woman's slave; they will become more receptive to your needs. (perfume cologne samples)Now that's every woman's dream. Imagine, that pile of uncut firewood in the backyard or the unmowed grass which has been put on hold during football season.(perfume cologne samples)

Imagine ladies, just a dab of pheromone perfume and you can put your man under your spell. (perfume cologne samples) You'll be the envy of every female in your own imaginary Wisteria Lane! (perfume cologne samples)

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